Sunday, February 23, 2014

Reading_Response_005 - How_do_Simulations_Know?

Computer has been applied into designing process and drawings for a long time. Architects are attempting to get closer to manufacturing in the way of creating detailed drawing as well as better organized design information. Computer simulations are never unconditionally true or false. They must work in social  systems of knowledge that include personal, complementary , and competing ways of  representing and thinking about architecture.

The advantage of CATIA is that it serves as a "place" where many different kinds of knowledges meet, and where the details of construction are often contributed by consultants and fabricators. CATIA brings together knowledge of construction materials from outside collaborators with schematic information about designs.

The expectation and limitation about computer simulation is due to the various possibilities and assumptions. One simulation, many possible realities. Design involves the negotiation of many social groups, each with its own demands on representations of knowledge. Each social relationship puts simulations in tension in different ways.

The rational way to take advantage of computer simulations is to gain the ability of be intuitive to the designs, to have the sensibility to justify the attribute of each scenario.

Project_005 - Frameworks

A dynamic building facade system has been simulated in this project. Each component is consist of 8 panels with two control parameters, the radius (R) and edge length (L); there are 10 splines totally in this systems to control the over curvature of facade form, which is controlled by the radius as well. In each cell, radius and length are set separately as R/20(+0.01in), R/25(+0.01in), R/30(+0.01in), R/35(+0.01in), R/40(+0.01in), R/45(+0.01in), L, L-0.1in, L-0.2in, L-0.3in, L-0.4in, L-0.5in. First animation is about changing L, while second animation is about changing R.

Changing Parameter L
Changing Parameter R

Affinity Profile
Added Points
Basic Structure
Control Parameters Radius & Edge Length
Construction Constraints
Whole Structure

staad Analysis
staad Analysis Beam Forces

Deflection Animation (? still)

The staad deflection analysis result is still in this condition, two spined supports were placed at the bottom points, self weight was assigned on this structure.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Reading_Response_004 - Fabricating_Arch

The lines of ownership and responsibility has been discussed in this article as the computing technologies have been sophistically developed,  the frequent results is not a less expensive project but an equally expensive through more complex one, and the amount of the designers' time required for troubleshooting is substantial. The updating process is easiest when all parties use a common modeling platform, but this is not always possible.

It is a matter of designers acquiring the necessary knowledge through formal or informal education. It is true that architects typically do not have, nor even want, the skill required to specify means and methods of construction. Education of designers requires some modification to better qualify them for working within such procurement processes. Classic designing education has been focusing more on theories and spatial qualities, and of course the reasons behind that. Students have been applied more possibilities and opportunities to produce more potentials, and necessary collaboration between parties and technologies is substantial.

Summary: Existing contract forms require some modification, to encourage information flow among the parties involved in a project and best realized the advantages of CAD/CAM. Collaboration between architects, engineers, fabricators and contractors must be encouraged, beginning in schools. Software must continue to develop in the direction of more useful functionality, more transparent and require extensive programming skills in obtaining useful results with reasonable effort. New material and fabrication processes, take care of themselves inasmuch as human inventiveness continues to unearth heretofore unimagined materials processes and continue to rediscover and reapply old ones.

Project_004 - Folding_Forms

Folding Paper


Assembly Structure

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Project_003 - Emergent_Form

Reading_Response_003- Weinstock_Emergence

Emergence is applied to the properties of a system that cannot be deduced from its components. 

In this article, forms of nature has been discussed from the perspectives of internal genetic reasons to the external environmental forces which influence the generating process of forms. Nature is the domain of all living things, all the forms of nature and of civilisation have an architecture, an arrangement of material in space and over time that determines their shape, size and duration. Non-living forms are not permanent static things but dynamic three-dimensional patterns produced by the continuous physical processes of the natural world, and are constantly being broken down and renewed.

Changes in the process of generating new forms has been considered as an dominant factor. Living forms are also subject to change but are persistent over time, organized by the internal biological processes of the natural world, and are constantly being broken down and renewed. Nature forms have the capacity to change significantly and to generate new forms, structures and properties from existing ones.

Forms existing in nature seem arbitrary and occasional, yet millions of factors work together resulting in an unique form, the interactions between influential factors and results also are parts of the generating process. Therefore all natural forms are inevitably generated by environment. Human beings perform a 'Master Builder' role in the chain of  producing forms. Human beings have evolved into advanced intelligent creatures being able to arrange complex materials and geometries. Energy is the necessity to both maintain existing forms and generate new forms. Human beings consume energy to conduct construction. All forms emerge from the dynamic processes by which natural systems, both living and non-living , produce organized arrangement of material in space and time. Cities are the largest and most complex material forms constructed by humans. Large and densely populated cities with monumental architecture.

Civilisation is the product of culture, and is advanced through the evolutionary trajectory of human forms and their increasing human ability to extract energy from nature, to manipulate the materials of nature, and the accumulation and propagation of information.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Reading_Response_002 - Design_Development_Environment

Different from other design programs, Digital Project supplies more and deep detailed design possibilities to the users to conduct precise design. It's associated with actual objects and assemblies. The prelude for the designers whoever wish to enjoy this program to conduct design process is to fully understand the envisaged design before set out developing it. This article discussed about the surfaces modeling. From simple surface to complex surface, and also the main characteristics of the surface (curvature...) and how to manipulate with it.

The curved surfaces are solid, techniques are introduced to convert complex surfaces into solid objects (for example like thickening..). Understanding surface curvature is crucial, complex surfaces are always generated from the simple ones. Simple surfaces are based on conic sections. Ruled surface is any surface that can be generated by the translation or rotation of straight lines. Many ruled surfaces (not all) are developable surfaces, it's important to the manufacturing process.

In CITIA computing environment, basic modeling techniques are applicable to the complex parametrically defined cures, any point the shape of the curve can be defined in terms of an "instantaneous radius" defined as R and an associated curvature defined as 1/R. Some commands were introduced in this article about how to extending and knitting surfaces. The mathematical description of the surface inclination is obtained through the derivation of the equation that describes the surface geometry.

Project_002 - From_Flat_to_Form

Project_001 - Sketching_the_Plan_v2